Stamps to mark Buddha Jayanthi

by Francis P. Gunasekara

Source: Article from Sunday Observer published 7th May 2006

Prominent Buddhist sites are featured in 50 stamps issued to mark the 2550th Buddha Jayanthi. The stamps were issued on May 5 and will be available islandwide throughout the festive season.

It was on a concept of President Mahinda Rajapakse that the Postal Authorities issued these special stamps to remember the significance of 2550 years of Buddhism in the world. Prominent religious symbols adorn all the stamps.

Nagadeepa, Jethawanaramaya, Kiriwehera, Aluvihara, Thiwanka Pilimageya and Hindagala Raja Maha Vihara are some of the Buddhist shrines that have been honoured. The denominations of the stamps are Rs. 2.50, Rs. 4.50, Rs. 5.00, Rs. 10.00 and Rs. 17.00.

Of all the Buddhist countries of the world, Sri Lanka is the only country issuing special stamps as a part of the Vesak celebrations.


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