International Stamp Exhibition – Bangladesh 2023

The International stamp exhibition in Bangladesh representing 14 Countries, 5 National Post Offices, 25 Foreign & Local Dealers in ONE MEGA EVENT. BANGLADESH 2023 is an FIP Sponsorship International Stamp Exhibition.

It will take place from 29th September to 2nd October 2023 at Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

For more information visit the official site

Exhibitor List

Exhibit NoFrame NoFull NameExhibit TitleClass CodeClassNo. of FramesCountry
11001-1005Shamsul AlamBangabandhu & BangladeshTRAD1A5Bangladesh
21006-1010A. H. M Faizur RahmanPostage Stamps of Bangladesh on The United Nations (1973-2000)TRAD1A5Bangladesh
31011-1015Glen StaffordNicaraguan Postage Stamps, The Gold Currency Surcharge Of 1913TRAD1B5Australia
41016-1020Saleh A. AlsajaOil Fields, Wadi Hanifa and Airmail Issues of Saudi Arabia 1960-1975TRAD1B5Saudi Arabia
51021-1025Hussein Salem BarasStudy About Alkabba and Khafjie StampsTRAD1B5Saudi Arabia
61026-1030Saleh Al SaneeStudy of the Issue of Kabba (The New Design)TRAD1B5Saudi Arabia
71031-1035Sandeep JaiswalIndore PhilatelyTRAD1B5USA
81036-1043William Danforth WalkerSourath: A Princely Indian StateTRAD1B8USA
91044-1048Nesh Bahadur ManandharShree PashupatiTRAD1B5Nepal
101049-1053Mukhled Al ShukailiArab Postal Day Joint Issue 2012TRAD1B5Oman
111054-1058Shamsul AlamBirds of BangladeshTRAD1A5Bangladesh
121059-1063Saeed Bin Mohammed Al QassimiUAE StampsTRAD1B5UAE
131064-1068Mubarak AlkahtaniHejaz And Najad Post Issue 1926TRAD1B5UAE
141069-1073Muhammad Arif BalgamwaraPakistan “Service” Overprints: The First Ten Years’ (1948-1958)TRAD1B5
151074-1078Dr. Nazmun NaharStamps of Fiji (2012-2023)TRAD1B5Fiji
162001-2005Tony PresgravePostmarking Machines and Slogans used at the Adelaide General Post Office and Adelaide Mail ExchangePH2B5Australia
172006-2010Mohammadamine Hamza AlmalaibariMalayan Postal HistoryPH2B5Saudi Arabia
182011-2018Ashok RanaPre – UPU Postal History NepalPH2B8Nepal
192019-2023Rajesh PahariaDead Letter Offices of India 1854-1914PH2B5India
202024-2028Narendra Kumar SabooPostal History of Portuguese India- 1819 To 1885PH2B5India
212029-2033Syed Nadeem AkhtarWorld War-II (1939-1945) Censorship and The Mails of British IndiaPH2B5Pakistan
222034-2038Liu JinPeruvian Airmail Service (1928-1942)PH2B5China
232039-2043Yuan XiaojunChina Changchun Postal Date Stamp (1949-1960)PH2B5China
242044-2048Chai XiaoBARRED NUMERAL CANCELLATIONS OF GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND – The First Generation (1844-1900)PH2B5China
253001-3005Nadir Jiza AlharbiSaudi Arabian AerogrammePS35Saudi Arabia
263006-3013Sandeep JaiswalBritish India King George VI Postal StationeryPS38USA
273014-3018Nazir AhmedPakistan Postal Stationery From 1947-71PS35Bangladesh
283019-3023Sweta ShresthaThe Journey of Nepalese Aerogrammes (1959-1994)PS35Nepal
293024-3028Toe Kyaw KyarBritish Burma Postal Stationeries 1857-1937PS35Singapore
303029-3033Chandra Sekhar BasakPatiala State Post Cards (1884-1946) A Philatelic StudyPS35India
313034-3038Salman BasirPostal Stationery of Pakistan 1947-1957PS35
323039-3043Khalid Sultan KhwajaArgentina Postal Stationery 1876-1908PS35
333044-3048Ghias AhmadThe Kingdom of Italy Postal Cards 1872-1929PS35
343049-3053Thomas K. PuthanangadyPostal Stationery of Travancore 1888-1949PS35USA
353054-3058Tanvir AhmedPostal Stationaries of Pakistan 1947 to 1971PS35Bangladesh
363059-3063Tuhin Bin SalamAerogrammes of BangladeshPS35Bangladesh
374001-4008Andrei AdamKingdom Of Bulgaria, General Revenues Between The Balkan Wars and The End Of Ww1, 1911-1920REV48Moldova
384009-4016Rishi Kumar TulsyanNepal RevenuesREV48Nepal
394017-4021Saiful IslamFiscals Stamps & Stamp Paper Used in Bengal C.1800-1880REV45Bangladesh
405001-5005Shatha Al-IsmailTurtles and TortoisesTH5A5Qatar
415006-5010Daniel MonteiroPeacock-The King of FeathersTH5A5India
425011-5015Debansu SahaTale of The TigerTH5A5India
435016-5020Sanaul Huq ChowdhuryMysteries of The UniverseTH5A5Bangladesh
445021-5025Masud AhmedBeautiful MountainTH5A5Bangladesh
455026-5030Fatimah Al LwatiaArabian Traditional CostumesTH5B5Oman
465031-5035Ali Al-IsmailTeddy BearTH5B5Qatar
475036-5040Mohammad Abu Al HasanSave The Nubian Monuments – A Philatelic CampaignTH5B5Bangladesh
485041-5045Adam Malek Bin IshakThe Fire FighterTH5C5Malaysia
495046-5050Sridhar. K.Candle On WaterTH5C5India
505051-5055Sheng YangScarfTH5B5China
516001-6005Victor TsureaMy Heart Is MoldovaMAX65Moldova
527001-7005Darren JonesHuman Endeavour in AntarcticaOP75Australia
537006-7010Ashwini ManjureThe Beauty of Dots, Dashes and Lines as Captured by Master Engraver Czeslaw SlaniaOP75Singapore
548001-8005Dr. Redwan Al-Karim BhuiyanDefinitive Overprints of Fiji (2006-2022)MP8A5Fiji
558006-8010Subhabrata BasuIndia Post in 21st CenturyMP8B5India
569001-9005John MooreLord Howe Island – A Traveller’s TalePP95Australia
579006-9010Svetlana MihailovaElisabeth Bohm- A Friend of ChildrenPP95Moldova
589011-9015Igor MihailovChisinau The Capital of Bessarabia (1898-1917)PP95Moldova
599016-9020Abdulla KhooryKhor DubaiPP95UAE
609021-9025Low Joo HiapExploring Places of Worship in MalaysiaPP95Malaysia
619026-9030Piyush KhaitanOne Day in Bombay-1928PP95India
629031-9035Venkat S TataMughals-Art, Architecture & TraditionsPP95India
639036-9040Kou LeiFive hundred ArhatPP95China
6410001Bader Al ShukailiCastles and Forts in OmanYA10A1Oman
6510002-10004Aditi AradhanaDisney’s Greatest Creation Mickey Mouse and FriendsYA10A3India
6610005Tatiyana Tiva MowMiniature Sheets of Fiji (2000-2023)YA10A1Fiji
6710006Swada Binte FaizWomen in Bangladesh PhilatelyYA10A1Bangladesh
6810007Md. Samsuzzaman SalahuddinBiodiversity and Nature of BangladeshYA10A1Bangladesh
6910008-10010Khalid Al AttarLife of Omani NationalsYB10B3Oman
7010011Abdullah Ali AbdulrahmanBahrain Postal StationeryYB10B1UAE
7110012Rownak Raiyaan BhuiyanFiji By NatureYB10B1Fiji
7210013-10016Reshu ShresthaCricketYC10C4Nepal
7310017-10021Sohini HazraThe Lord of The JungleYC10C5India
7410022-10023Anwar Moiz AhmedWorld Cinema on PhilatelyYC10C2Bangladesh
7511001Peter AllanTasmanian Registered Mail 1832-1912OF111Australia
7611002Alex NuijtenFour Collar Lettercards of The Netherlands 1906-1918OF111Australia
7711003David FiggMatch Striking PostcardsOF111Australia
7811004David FiggAmerican Match Factories on Picture PostcardsOF111Australia
7911005David CollyerBoeing 747 – The Queen of The SkiesOF111Australia
8011006David CollyerQantas Fleet Develops 1921-2000OF111Australia
8111007Ahme-Hani Mohamed Al-KilaniThe First Saudi Definitive (1934-1957)OF111Saudi Arabia
8211008Usamah M. AlkurdiSaudi Arabia Parcel Cards Postage StampsOF111Saudi Arabia
8311009Usamah M. AlkurdiStamped Air letters (Aerogrammes) From State of QatarOF111Saudi Arabia
8411010Sandeep JaiswalBahawalpur – 52 Day Period as a Sovereign NationOF111USA
8511011Sandeep JaiswalThe “Dagger” Issues of BundiOF111USA
8611012Robert CoaleErrors of the Indian Feudatory State of TravancoreOF111USA
8711013Henry S.Y. OngMalaysia Crash & Disrupted Airmails 1931-1939OF111Singapore
8811014Ng Wei JieIsam Labels of SingaporeOF111Singapore
8911015Hussain Rajab Al-IsmailInitial Design Of 60 Years Commemorative of Postal Services in DubaiOF111Qatar
9011016Hussain Rajab Al-IsmailQatar Second Definitive IssueOF111Qatar
9111017Satish Kumar SThe Black, Blue and RedOF111India
9211018Piyush KhaitanThe 1924 Mount Everest ExpeditionOF111India
9311019Narendra Kumar SabooIndia – 1866 Six Annas Foreign Bill Overprinted PostageOF111India
9411020Dr. Ehtasham AhmadBritish India Airmail Envelopes Used in PakistanOF111
9511021Muhammad Arif BalgamwaraLarge Chughati Inland Postcards 1949-1958OF111
9611022Dr. Redwan Al-Karim BhuiyanHeritage And Culture of FijiOF111Fiji
9711023Mr. Isaac MowOverprint On “81 Cent” – Land Bird of FijiOF111Fiji
9811024Nazrul Islam ShohelLiterature, Songs and DancesOF111Bangladesh
9911025Sujoy Sen GuptaScout Movement in Bangladesh: At A GlanceOF111Bangladesh
10011026KBD Md Abdul MannanThe Three National Days of BangladeshOF111Bangladesh
10111027Saiful IslamBangladesh Postal OrderOF111Bangladesh
10211028Dr. Ataul QuadirThe SPCBL 1 Taka Immunization DefinitiveOF111Bangladesh
10311029Sk. Abu Jafar JewelAerogramme Of BangladeshOF111Bangladesh
10411030Sharier FerdausPostal History of Mewar Brahmini DawkOF111Bangladesh
10511031Ali Mohammad MasudSir Donald George Bradman, The Aussie Legendary Bating Tornado: A Philatelic TributeOF111Bangladesh
10611032Satyajit GhoshRabindranath Tagore, A Lighthouse of The BengalisOF111Bangladesh
10711033Meer Mohammad AshrafulInland Regular Stationery Envelope of BangladeshOF111Bangladesh
10811034Sarkar Rezaya Rabbi RashelThe Liberation War of Bangladesh in The Eyes of Postage StampsOF111Bangladesh
10911035S.M. Rafiqul IslamWorldwide Shell StampsOF111Bangladesh
11011036Mohammad JamaluddinGenocide Of 1971 in Bangladesh (2017 Issue)OF111Bangladesh
11111037Sumanto KumarNight ViewOF111Bangladesh
11211038Salman MunirCommemorative Issue of Australia (1927-1965)OF111Bangladesh
11311039Farzana HaqueHealth Issue of New Zealand Post 1929-1966OF111Bangladesh
11411040Gholam AbedMotor Vehicle Revenue of BangladeshOF111Bangladesh
11511041Gholam AbedBangladesh Domestic Radio LicenceOF111Bangladesh
11611042Mokhleshur RahmanWorld Cup CricketOF111Bangladesh
117Mohammed Al GhadhiThe Saudi Revenue Stamps Their Role in Supporting the National EconomyLT12ASaudi Arabia
118Wayne MenuzPostal StationeryLT12AUSA
119Sereda SergheiThe History of Moldova in The Philately of The USSRLT12AMoldova
120Bhubanesh Kumar Pradhan & Keder Prasad PradhanThe History of Nepalese Postage Stamps – A Matter of Glory To NepalLT12ANepal
121Lokeswara Rao MadirajuHimalayan Birds on StampsLT12AIndia
122Vijay SethMahatma Gandhi Stamps of Truth 1948-2019LT12AIndia
123Uday Shankar BiswasPhilatelic EkushLT12ABangladesh
124Dr. Redwan Al-Karim BhuiyanThe Development of Postal Services in Fiji (1874-2023), Paper PrintLT12AFiji
125Peter AllanThe Courier, Journal of The Tasmanian Philatelic SocietyLT12BAustralia
126Akhtar Ul Islam SiddiquiPakistan Philatelic and Numismatic Magazine Rawalpinidi-PakistanLT12B
127Siddique Mahmudur RahmanBangladesh Postage Stamps Catalogue 1971-2023LT12CBangladesh
128Mohammed Al QadiSaudi Stamp CatalogueLT12CSaudi Arabia
129Victor TsureaCatalogue Of Postage Stamps of The Republic of Moldova 1991-2020LT12CMoldova
130Victor TsureaMarci Postale Ale Repunlicii Moldova 2021LT12CMoldova
131Low Joo HiapKatalog Setem Lembaran Mini Malaysia 1982-2020 (Malaysia Miniature Sheet Stamp Catalogue First Edition)LT12CMalaysia
132Dr. Munaf Billoo & Muhammad Rizwan KodwavwalaPakistan Meter Stamps 1947-2022LT12C

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